Baby Steps

Drew William's entrance into the world has been a little more eventful than we could ever have imagined. God has blessed us with a beautiful son and we have faith that He will guide us through the journey back to a healthy baby boy. This website is dedicated to updating friends and family on Drew's progress...his baby steps.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Life is Good

We've been home now for almost a week and have been enjoying what life with a newborn is supposed to be, poop, sleep, poop, get the picture.

We had a busy day at the hospital yesterday. Since we left Hattiesburg is such a rush, Drew didn't have any of his regular newborn screenings/procedures, so he had a rough day of pokes and prods yesterday. We also had his first visit with his Pediatrician and he did great. She was a little concerned about his pale skintone, but the hemoglobin test she ran came back normal. Unfortunately, he didn't get my olive skin like his big sister. We're also going to track his weight somewhat closely because he was only 2 oz. above his birthweight. He has a tendency to binge and purge if I don't burp him frequently and time his feedings just right.

The apnea monitor is about to drive us nuts. Fortunately, it's because the heart rate parameters were originally set far too narrow, not the result of actual apnea episodes. His Pediatrician sent in new orders and the home health nurse just left, so tonight should be much more restful for Ryan and I.

We had a wonderful (albeit quick) visit from my my Uncle John & Aunt Allis from California last Friday. Allis brought Drew all sorts of goodies - Thank You!!! I know Alyssa is going to love the massive stuffed dog :)

My parents headed home on Saturday so that they could get their lives back to normal before the Holiday season hits and Ryan's parents are flying in with Alyssa on Thursday - yeah! We're having serious Alyssa withdrawals right now and cannot wait to see her!!!


Blogger Robin said...

Congratulations on your homecoming!

I have preemie nieces who also had a rough start, but they're happy little angels now.

I wish you and yours the best.

5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been glued to your entries and want you to know we've been praying for you everyday! Andrew, my two year old, asks to pray for Drew and Ryan before bed every night...sorry Kristen, nothing's a boy thing I'm sure. It warms my heart to hear how miraculous a recovery Drew is having! Keep us posted and please post pictures when you can!

Thoughts and prayers from the Talburts!

7:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So thrilled to check back and see Drew's amazing progress! We love you guys and continue to pray for Drew's complete healing... can't wait to see the pictures of the family back together and HOME!!
All our love,

the Martens

8:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see that your little miracal baby is home and safe. Will keep your family in my thoughts and prays.. Have a wonderful holiday season!!

love ya,
-matt badgett

5:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan and Kristen,

I am so happy to hear that Drew is home and doing well. I had not heard much since his surgery so was happy to get the link here and read up on his progress.

I hope he continues to do well!!

5:20 PM  

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